
De kernleden van het Wageningen MFC-team brengen een diverse reeks van expertise samen, met een gezamenlijke totale professionele ervaring van ongeveer 300 jaar. Deze lijst belicht de belangrijkste sterke punten van elk lid, die een succesvolle staat van dienst hebben bewezen in hun respectieve vakgebieden.


De expertise van ons team omvat alle essentiële gebieden voor strategische planning in grootstedelijke voedselvoorziening, Agroparken en Metropolitan Food Clusters, evenals de ruimtelijke planning van landen of regio's. Voor een uitgebreid overzicht van MFC-projecten, zie hier.


Onze specialisatiegebieden omvatten landbouw, stedelijke en regionale ontwikkeling, waterbeheer, logistiek en infrastructuur, landschap en biodiversiteit, bestuur, onderwijs en training, onderzoek en ontwikkeling, bedrijfsgroei en -planning, grensoverschrijdende samenwerking en communicatie. Het belangrijkste is dat we in staat zijn om deze gebieden te integreren in duurzame ontwikkelingsplanning.

Urban & metropolitan master planning

Metropolitan Master Planning services in the Netherlands:

  • City of Rotterdam: Survey and master planning and rehabilitation of 19th and early 20th century urban areas and preservation of post-war reconstruction areas of the city centre
  • Ministry of Spatial Planning NL: national urbanisation policy, including regional design and development strategy for the Randstad/Green Heart region.

Metropolitan Master Planning projects have been executed internationally in:

  • Jabotabek/Pantura (Greater Jakarta/North-West Java area)
  • North Jakarta/Jakarta Bay (rehabilitation of historical city centre and improvement of transportation, sanitation and flood protection infrastructure; development of tourism; improvement of low-cost housing areas)
  • Dhaka (Bangladesh; Dolai Khal urban renewal plan of old city centre; Baddha en DND Triangle local area master plans)
  • Greater Surabaya (integrated urban and regional development)
  • Mombasa (Kenia; South Mainland development plan)
  • St Petersburg/Leningrad Oblast (Russia; joint city-region development plan with special emphasis on cultural, tourist and commercial development of the historical core of the city; redevelopment of pre-war abandoned industrial zone and post-war large scale housing outskirts)
  • Aden Free Zone Master Plan (Yemen)
  • Master plan for Old City rehabilitation, city of Semarang (Indonesia)
  • Kazakhstan establishment of agglomeration policies (European Union)


Regional development planning

  • Province of Overijssel: long/mid-long term regional development plan western region of the province
  • Province of South Holland: turn-around of the organisation to make the province more development minded instead of control oriented
  • Province of South Holland: Regional Plan South Holland East (part of the Green Heart of the Randstad)
  • Province of Gelderland: New bridges to the future. Representation of a quest for new perspectives for the Gelderland rural area
  • Randstad Holland master planning & implementation program
  • Ministry of Spatial Planning Directorate-General of Spatial Planning NL:
    • Policy Implementation such as implementation of national housing strategy, land management legislation as a framework for public-private co-operation in housing provision
    • Strategy advising on spatial quality on public investment/regional development strategies, establishment of public-private partnerships, design methodology
  • National Spatial Planning Agency NL:
    • Regional planning of the Dutch riverine area, cross border approach with national, regional and local authorities aiming at integrated planning of nature development, agriculture, recreation, sand and clay extraction
    • Policy advice spatial explorations on national level
  • Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment NL:
    • Rural Areas & Europe, with focus on changing land use of the Dutch rural areas in a European context:
      • future-oriented spatial analysis in which the international aspects of the dynamics in the Dutch rural areas
      • focus on marginalization, wider rural development, industrial agriculture and urbanization of rural areas
      • co-regional Planning between European regions when interrelated, specific spatial problems occur
      • a strategy for Co-Regional Planning in Europe
      • future of the rural area: the Euro compass
      • planning consequences of long-term land-use scenarios in the European Union
      • soil pollution: Chemical time bombs under the Netherlands
    • A broader agricultural policy as a search for the possible development of the Common Agricultural Policy and its influence on spatial policy
    • Agriculture and rural areas; in central and eastern Europe under the conditions of the transformation process
    • Strategy advising on spatial panning in North-West European context 5th memorandum on spatial planning
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries NL:
    • Planning Metropolitan Landscapes. Concepts, Demands, Approaches
    • Public debate on spatial planning: "the key and the lock" 
    • Energy and Spatial planning within Climate
    • Marginalisation of agricultural land in The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
    • Wageningen University & Research/Peel compagnie: The strategy for the Peel Dialogue for a cross-provincial approach to the challenges in the Peel municipalities
    • ‘Back to the future’: new functions for rural areas in Europe
  • National Government of the Netherlands: Knowledge co-production for the major social issues: Lessons from Agriculture
  • Radboud university Nijmegen Environmental Science Task Group: research on influence of land consolidation on the material and energy balances of dairy farms and partial research on EAI studies
  • Wageningen University & Research:
    • Transdisciplinary research and integrated regional planning
    • Design and implementation of strategic innovative national research programs aiming at multifunctional land use and sustainable agriculture
    • Policy advises and R&D on urban-rural relationships, the future of agriculture, international co-operation and at integrated regional development
    • Design and implementation of Agroparks that combine intensive plant- and protein production, processing and logistics within the framework of industrial ecology.
    • Process managing in landscape and planning dialogues
  • Process management in international arena of regional planning projects and regional dialogues
    • University of Mexico City (UNAM) Landscape ecological advice on recreation development of Mangrove in Jalisco; teaching on integrated approach urban-rural planning
    • Province of Limburg: project leader of The Landscape Dialogue: Interactive planning as a way to sustainable land use in metropolitan areas seen as system innovation:  Cases from North-western Europe
    • Province of Overijssel-Ministry of Raumes Ordnung Nordrhein Westfalen-Germany:  on spatial planning in cross border region Hamaland, "auf dem Weg zu einer Landschaft ohne Grenzen"
    • Province Gelderland: Green valley agricultural area
    • Province Limburg: Heuvelland, based on clusters of Health, Hospitality, Agro and food, Biodiversity and Recreation
    • Province Limburg: regional dialogue Noord Limburg
    • Province Flevoland: regional dialogues Flevoland
    • Province Overijssel: Regional prozess Hamaland
    • Province Limburg: Floriade, how to involve SME’s in regional development
    • Province of Limburg: land van Thorn, based on clusters of water recreation, health and Agro & food


National & regional development and investment strategies

  • Dutch provincial spatial investment strategy
  • Dutch national spatial investment priorities
  • Strategic cooperation Netherlands/Nordrhein-Westfalen/Flemish region (‘Euro delta’)
  • Terms of reference large scale mobility research project for the Dutch Metropolis
  • Position of the town of Venlo in regional en international perspective
  • Urban-rural development program Randstad Holland integrating basic green networks of urban and surrounding rural areas
  • Schiphol-Amsterdam Airport: Spatial development strategy for the airport
  • Design principles for national spatial planning in the Netherlands
  • Latvia, support for the establishment of a national spatial development system to meet EU-membership standards
  • Evaluation of regional development strategy, Rivne province, Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan regional economic development strategy for World Bank
  • Tourism Master Plan for Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia for Ministry of Public Works RI/World Bank
  • North-West Overijssel/South-West Friesland/North-East Flevoland provinces: integration of regional-scale ecological network (including rehabilitation of natural peat areas), tourism development, and development of nature-inclusive agriculture
  • Reconstruction planning based on government land ownership for Flevo Polders land reclamation area and partly degraded Peel historical peat landscape (using ‘green casco’ methodology
  • Government Republic of North-Macedonia: development of national spatial planning methodology.
  • Quality team member/supervisor Western Urban Districts, City of Amsterdam
  • Safeguarding spatial quality in the rural area province of North Holland on green networks preserving natural and cultural values and embedding sustainable settlement and development of agriculture


Water management integrated river management and flood protection

The team is well versed in water management integrated river management and flood protection measures, strategically as well as practically and involved in may projects:

  • Water management Ciliwung river in relation to urban development of Jakarta
  • Spatial consequences and opportunities of long-term water system adjustments in the western NL for ‘Delta Commission' flood protection schemes
  • Thinktank 'South-western Delta Program'  to create a robust and dynamic water-based nature and landscape in the south-western area of NL and the NW part of Flanders, as a means to diversify and revitalise the regional economy
  • Flood protection and fresh water provision strategy for the Rhine-Meuse Delta, in interaction with the development of a modern water-oriented economy, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, recreation and tourism, housing (National Delta Program)
  • Evaluation of spatial quality methodology Dutch River Adjustment Program ex ante; assessment of development plans for historical waterfront
  • Ex-post evaluation of spatial quality outcomes Dutch River Adjustment Program
  • European Union:
    • Integrated River management (ADEPT) International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen
    • Integrated Water Resources Management in Rural areas in Poland: University of Warsaw, Poland
    • Regional planning and water resources management, facilitation of stakeholder processes on irrigation (Water for Food and Ecosystems) in Ukraine-Crimea
    • Process management of need assessment of cross border cooperation for Research, Tools and Capacity building in the Nile Basin
  • European Union Commission: NEWater on new approaches to adaptive water management under uncertainty, project on the large rivers (with 40 participants)
  • R&D, Water Management Master plan region Cangzhou Bohai New Area, China
  • Nile basin Initiative:  contribution to Nile Basin Initiative regional agricultural trade and productivity project in Agricultural Model and Data Collection for the Nile Basin Decision Support System;
  • Contribution to Korea-NL cooperation on Integrated master planning Saemangeum Delta
  • Environmental Impact Assessment - Deep underwater storage of polluted dredging spoil in Kaliwaal
  • Dike improvement behind Ramspol: Memorandum of requirements and Nature management and maintenance plan of the dikes behind Ramspol
  • Nature and landscape development in the riverine area of the Rhine in de Gelderse Poort
  • Province of Gelderland: Strategic report on riverine planning (NURG)
  • Research on water systems in Europa
  • Wageningen University & Research: International Water Policy Evaluation ILRI


National Infrastructure planning

  • Ministry of Transport and Water NL:
    • Environmental Impact Assessment -Master planning of Dike improvements in Eastern NL along main rivers IJssel and Zwarte Water
    • Environmental Impact Assessment extension Motorway A15 NL
  • Dutch Rail:
    • Approach integrated multifunctional roadside management of Dutch Railways
    • Spatial master planning landscape and Ecology of national rail infrastructure (Betuweroute)


Strategy development for biodiversity development

  • Province of Zeeland: Nature development on the South Coast of Schouwen, lay out plan De Prunje (1000 ha)
  • Waterboard Limburg: Restoration of the water system of the Tungelroyse brook system
  • Local Government \municipality of Renkum: Multicriteria assessment of land use towards restoration of ecological connections
  • Shanghai Government: Design of the Shanghai International Wetland Park 2002 with its Landscape ecological design, arranging concepts and principles for the Chongming East Headland, Shanghai Municipality
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries NL:
    • Strategies on proactive species management for biodiversity
    • 10-year Assessment the yearly balance for nature
    • Cost benefits of the transition of an industrial estate into nature development
    • Design of multifunctional corridors across motorways in the Netherlands
  • Research agenda setting for the Argentinean Chaco: Biofuels, cattle breeding and sustainable development in the Chaco of Argentina
  • Municipality of Windhoek Namibia: Advises on the landscape ecological structure of the city of Windhoek Namibi
  • EU Twinning: Natura 2000 capacity building on institution building, process management and environmental assessments techniques
  • Province of Zuid Holland: Nature management planning of protected areas 


Landscape planning and spatial design

  • Entertainment group Efteling: Nature development plan and spatial lay out golf course Efteling, the Netherlands
  • Province Gelderland: Nature development planning riverine systems and flood plains: as: Waaier van Geulen, Leeuwense Waard; Fort St. Andries Dreumelse Waard-West; Gamerense Waard; Eendenpoelsche Buitenpolder; Angerensche and Doornenburgsche Buitenpolder: Sophia Polder, Banks of the Linge
  • Waterboard Limburg:
    • Spatial design river and restoration of brook systems: Cluster Leukerbeek and Cluster Roggelsche Beek, Tungelroyse Beek, Middelsgraaf, Geul, Tielebeek, Vloedgraaf en Vlootbeek
    • Location choice and design of rainwater buffer systems in accidentated areas
  • Local municipalities in NL: Landscape policy planning 


Education & training and Research & Development

  • Coordination of the strategic research programme “Chain and Agrologistics” of Wageningen University & Research
  • Dutch Green Knowledge Cooperation, established to streamline all public agricultural, agrifood training, education and R&D in the Netherlands
  • Working group: “Regional Skills”/Steering committee for the working group “Innovation with Skills”
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries NL:
    • Research on Need for Knowledge broker ship and process management
    • Research on planning Metropolitan Landscapes and its concepts, demands and approaches
    • Research on Trans disciplinarity in spatial planning: the facilitation of knowledge integration for innovation
  • European Union Commission: European Union Twinning Project Training need assessment Nature development NE Romania
  • NL Science board Agricultural research (NRLO) knowledge management and rural renewal
  • National Government of the Netherlands/Transforum: The Role of Knowledge When Studying Innovation and the Associated Wicked Sustainability Problems in Agriculture