MFC 项目集






  • Delta Park: Design for agropark in Rotterdam Harbour, The Netherlands (2001)
  • Agrocentrum Westpoort: Design for agropark in Amsterdam Harbour, The Netherlands (2003 – 2007)
  • New Mixed Farm: Design and implementation of agropark in Horst, the Netherlands (2004 – present)
  • WAZ-Holland Park: Design, implementation of Agro-sightseeing Park in Changzhou, China (2004 – 2005) 
  • Biopark Terneuzen: Design and implementation of agro-industrial park in Terneuzen Harbour, the Netherlands (2004 – 2008)
  • Greenport Shanghai: Design, implementation of Agropark on Chongming Island near Shanghai, China (2006 – 2008)
  • IFFCO Kisan SEZ Nellore. Design and implementation of agropark in Nellore, India (2008 – 2011)
  • Master plan Santalpur Agropark (Gujarat; 2009)
  • Greenport Caofeidian, Design of agropark and ecocity in Tangshan, China (2010 – 2011)
  • COFCO-Eco Valley, Design of Agro processing park near Beijing, China (2011 – 2013)
  • Mexico, Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility and Conceptual Masterplan design for Metropolitan Food Cluster networks aiming at the modernization of existing agricultural practice and at vertical and horizontal integration of food production chains (dairy, vegetables, poultry), in execution in the states of
    • Aguascalientes (2010-13)
    • Nayarit (2012- 14)
    • Chiapas (2013 – 2015)
  • Design of an agrologistic infrastructure plan for the federal state of Mexico. Organization of a Community of Practice for stakeholders involved in state and federal projects in Mexico
  • China, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, Feasibility Study and Conceptual Masterplan for Sino-Dutch International Healthy Agricultural Eco-city (2013 - 2015)


  • South India (2006)
  • Feasibility mission Agroparks North Eastern China (2007)
  • Feasibility missions and preliminary designs Agroparks Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu (India, 2007/2008)
  • Feasibility mission Sohar Agri port (Oman; 2009)
  • Gujarat, India (2009)
  • Assessment of suitable locations for Agroparks in The Netherlands (2009)
  • Drenthe, The Netherlands (2010)
  • East London, South Africa (2011)
  • Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam (2011)
  • City of Almelo, The Netherlands (2012- 2014)
  • Green City design (preliminary studies), city of Doha (Qatar, 2013)
  • The Philippines (2013-2014)
  • Initiatives of Panama Agro hub
  • Colombia AgroCluster
  • Agri Hungary (2021-present)
  • Qatar food security/self-sufficiency strategy for the Agropark design to supply 100,000 consumers (2017)
  • Tabasco (Mexico) (2015)
  • India Subhash Chandra Foundation (India, 2017)
  • Agropark design to Port of Sohar (Oman, 2018)
  • Weifang National Agricultural Zone Planning: Master planning for a Chinese pilot integrated agriculture industry zone in Weifang (Shandong, China, 2018)
  • Agropark design to metropolitan area of Moscow (Russia, 2019)
  • Top Sector Agri-Food, Turning Food Waste in Singapore into Animal Feed (Singapore, 2019)
  • Agri Hungary (2020 till now)
  • Agropark development in Eastern Germany, joint development of agropark and nature-inclusive agriculture and forestry for the Sanne-Kerkuhn municipality in Central Germany (Germany, 2021-present)
  • Malaysia and Singapore Feasibility mission on local food security, poultry, vegetables, aquaculture, and dairy with meetings local government agencies, knowledge institutes, local agri-food businesses (2018)
  • North-western part of Singapore Island: development of a natural environment (extension and preservation of existing wetlands) in which high-productive agriculture, leisure facilities, and local rural communities are embedded (2022-present)
  • Paraguay: AgroCluster development in Northern Chaco (2019-present)
  • Suriname Agro cluster development Suriname (2021-present) 


  • Future of the Pig Farming sector in the Netherlands. ‘Myths and Legends of Pig Farming’.
  • Organisation committee of the conference “Towards an Agro research agenda in Europe”
  • Exploratory Report “Agro-production Parks” Perspectives and Dilemma’s (very high impact with worldwide 2000 plus TV interviews)
  • Policy advice to “The Netherlands Council for the Rural Area (RLG)” on spatial planning for the Dutch Glasshouse Horticulture. (“Plank gas voor het Glas”)
  • Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs: “Logistics in India on Fresh Perishable products: Dutch–Indian Experts Views”
  • Fact-finding mission and projects for the Dutch government to survey business opportunities related to Green Cities and Agroparks in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, United Emirates and Oman), and for the government of Uzbekistan
  • The Netherlands Scientific committee: international conference on Supply Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry
  • The Netherlands ministerial, interdepartmental commission for the Netherlands Platform for Agro-logistics
  • High Tech Agriculture /Vertical Agriculture for The Netherlands Programming on Sustainable Technological Research with fact-finding in United Kingdome, Germany, Australia, Japan and the United States (such as NASA)
  • Marine Parks; a study for the Dutch Innovation networks and Dutch Foundation on Future Studies (STT)
  • Strategy Report for the Agro-technology and Food Science Group Wageningen University & Research
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries the Netherlands:
    • Design of a tool to evaluate Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Sub Sahara Africa.
    • Metropolitan Food cluster as space pump, towards a spatial transition with industrial agriculture
    • Community of practice Agrologists
    • “Vision Agro-logistics”, and foundation of the Platform Agro-logistics which facilitates the search for intelligent logistic solutions that conform to the principle of ‘cluster, connect and orchestrate and base for the Dutch Greenport’s (large clustered platforms of total supply chains
  • European Commission: Innovation lead in the EU-EIT Knowledge and innovation community on Climate: focus on sustainable land use and climate Smart Agriculture and coordinator Platform Land and Water
  • National Government of the Netherlands: Project director in TransForum, a national think tanks on agriculture, executing the national innovation program on sustainable development of agriculture and complex transdisciplinary design of regional development. Aim of establishment of vital clusters of agricultural production (Biopark Terneuzen, Greenport Shanghai, New Mixed Company
  • National Government/ TransForum: Building blocks of the regional biobased economy and innovation of the knowledge infrastructure in Dutch agriculture
  • Ministry of Spatial Planning (VROM) the Netherlands: Agricultural Spatial developments in the Netherlands.’ Strong and beautiful countryside’
  • Ministry of Transport, Spatial planning and Environment the Netherlands:  Cows and races; spatial quality of dairy farming systems in 2025



  • Designing a network of Value-Added Centres in Jammu &Kashmir
  • Setting up large scale fruit storage centre for fruit (apples & pears) in Uttarakhand
  • Setting up seed potato system (production, storage, quality control, etc) for the foothills of the Himalayas range
  • India: project advice and research on Value Added Centres and Agroparks in for both Indian government as well as for private parties
  • China regional projects on Supply Chain Management and Agroparks
  • State oriented projects on supply chain analysis and supply chain management for the Mexican development organisation FOCIR, the Mexican federal government and state governments (Aguascalientes, Nayarit, Chiapas)
  • Development of a Fresh Consolidation Centre in Rivierenland. Exploration of support and feasibility factors



Elaboration of the innovations of Metropolitan Food Clusters in the perspective of adaptation to and mitigation of Climate Change consist of research projects, and Government Institute for Forest and Landscape Research.  

  • Changes in various types of Agriculture on coastal islands using energy analysis and a national study on practice of adapted agriculture for nature conservation and landscape management by agricultural holdings.
  • Research program on integrated agriculture and its effects on process and structure of the agrarian landscape
  • Use of grassland, grassland management and vegetation development, with theoretical framework ecological effects and practical application in specific regions.
  • Eco-energetic analysis of intensive pig farming in the Netherlands, Denmark, Brittany and the Po Valley, Italy
  • CoP in Focus (pathfinder)
  • MFC4Climate (innovation project) financed by Climate Centre for Innovation and Knowledge (Climate KIC) of the European Union.
  • REMEDy: Feasibility Study and Design of a dairy stable aiming at Reduced Methane Emission from Dairy stables. Transdisciplinary cooperation between Wageningen UR experts and entrepreneurs in dairy technology and dairy production business.
  • SIMMpeel: System innovations in mineral management: Manure management to improve mineral and organic matter composition in such a way that can outcompete artificial fertilizer.
  • Assessment Sustainable Development Production and Quality for Agri-Brazil project intensive dairy production
  • Province of Limburg: Sustainable development of livestock farming in Limburg
  • With Wageningen University & Research:
    • Declaration of Wageningen: Pig farmers in dialogue with society
    • European Agri-environment schemas and livestock systems and their influence on Spanish cultural landscapes
    • Agriculture in the North West European Delta Metropolis
    • Interactive planning as a way to sustainable land use in metropolitan areas
    • Book (dissertation) on development of Agroparks and metropolitan food clusters: Expedition Agroparks. Research by design into sustainable development and agriculture in the network society
    • Exploring the potential of high technological and eco-efficient agriculture: Systems design in metropolitan agriculture
    • Investing in metropolitan agriculture in China
    • Economic risk analysis of Agroparks and the nature of Agroparks: synergy versus risk
    • Sustainable land use and performance indicators
    • Disease-free Shrimp (Thailand)
    • Animal production systems for healthy animals and healthy humans: Clustering vertical integration of animal production, by clustering systems improve welfare and disease resistance in animals
    • Planning for urban agriculture in China: exploratory research on urban agriculture from the Chinese planning perspective
    • In2Poultry – Feeding insects to laying hens as an Animal feed from possible by-products to make a key solution to reduce the need for feed import (Singapore)
    • Mix-it-green machine 
    • Top Sector Agri-Food, Turning Food Waste in Singapore into Animal Feed (Singapore, 2019)
    • Example book Agribusiness parks